The alim difference
ALIM is committed to facilitating dialogue between the textual and historical traditions of Islam and the sociopolitical, cultural and intellectual realities informing the lives of American Muslims through relevant, engaging, and inspiring programming.
Our flagship, 3-week summer intensive has changed the lives of countless community leaders over the last 20+ years. Other programs include our annual Winter Program and local, organization specific weekend programs. |
Join alim's Online monthly book club
Explore a range of thought-provoking books on mental health, spirituality, social justice, and more. Join engaging monthly live discussions hosted by Ustadh Ubaydullah Evans by subscribing as a monthly donor today!
ALIM's Monthly Blog
The ethics of disagreement
The ability of our community to make a concerted intervention, wisely invest our severely limited political capital, and prove the indispensability of our collective vote was nullified by our diversity. I have to let that sink in.
Clearly, the diversity that I previously treated as a net positive may not always be in the best interest of our community. But is there an alternative? Is the term “consensus” just a euphemism for a process by which the will of the advantaged compels the endorsement of the disadvantaged?
Clearly, the diversity that I previously treated as a net positive may not always be in the best interest of our community. But is there an alternative? Is the term “consensus” just a euphemism for a process by which the will of the advantaged compels the endorsement of the disadvantaged?
ALIM Year-End Note: Reflections & Gratitude
By: Shirin Khan, Executive Director
By: Dr. Sherman Jackson

"...for every moment spent wrangling over these messy details, another innocent Palestinian child dies, another innocent Palestinian mother loses a baby, another innocent Palestinian man is crushed under the rubble."
Online Courses
Self-paced courses with ALIM scholars
Istighfar & TawbahTaught by Dr. Ali Sulaiman Ali, Ust. Ubaydullah Evans, and Ustadha Zaynab Ansari
Navigating Post-ModernityWith Dr. Sherman Jackson, Ust. Ubaydullah Evans, and more.
Malcolm XA 4-part series taught by Ustadh Ubaydullah Evans
Support ALIM
The future of America largely depends on the future of Islam in America. ALIM has been at the forefront of empowering Muslims for over 25 years, equipping them with a deep understanding of tradition while actively engaging with our current cultural context. Educate the future leaders of our community and support ALIM's goal of educating Muslims around the world with the requisite knowledge to be confident, grounded in tradition, and empowered critical thinkers who engage modern society in a meaningful way.
Donations are zakat-eligible & tax deductible. ALIM is a 501(c)(3) organization.