The alim difference
ALIM is committed to facilitating dialogue between the textual and historical traditions of Islam and the sociopolitical, cultural and intellectual realities informing the lives of American Muslims through relevant, engaging, and inspiring programming.
Our flagship, 3-week summer intensive has changed the lives of countless community leaders over the last 20+ years. Other programs include our annual Winter Program and local, organization specific weekend programs. |
Join alim's Online monthly book club
Explore a range of thought-provoking books on mental health, spirituality, social justice, and more. Join engaging discussions hosted by Ustadh Ubaydullah Evans by subscribing as a monthly donor today!
ALIM's Monthly Blog
The Challenge of Celebrating the Prophet in America
I have always maintained that our context makes a full embrace of the Prophet Muhammad (upon him be peace) difficult. Within our sacred history, Jesus Christ of Nazareth (upon him and his blessed mother be peace) is the direct predecessor of the Prophet Muhammad (upon him be peace). Relative chronological proximity as well as being the central religious figures of the two largest religious communities in the world have linked inextricably the Christ and the Prophet (upon them be peace). When prophethood is understood as a continuous process, beginning with Adam and culminating in the Prophet, the differences between the various Prophets of God (upon them be peace) are appreciated as alternations in form but not essence. In fact, speaking of Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad (upon them be peace), their lives and respective ministries, offer the perfect complement to one another. But where the wise see connection and harmony, those with less expansive understandings see contradiction and sometimes (due to being chronologically later) attribute inauthenticity to the Prophet Muhammad (upon him be peace). Thus, the Prophet has been misunderstood among many Americans.
"...for every moment spent wrangling over these messy details, another innocent Palestinian child dies, another innocent Palestinian mother loses a baby, another innocent Palestinian man is crushed under the rubble. No, I want to say here one thing and one thing only: Stop this killing. Stop this killing. Stop this killing––now!"
Online Courses
Courses led by ALIM scholars that you can join from home
Istighfar & TawbahTaught by Dr. Ali Sulaiman Ali, Ust. Ubaydullah Evans, and Ustdha Zaynab Ansari
Navigating Post-ModernityLed by Dr. Jackson, Ustadh Evans, Dr. Alwani and Imam Magid
Malcolm XA 4-part series taught by Ustadh Ubaydullah Evans
Support ALIMThe future of America largely depends on the future of Islam in America. In our 25th year, ALIM continues to build Muslims who are fully grounded in the tradition, while critically engaging the current cultural context.
Educate the future leaders of our community and support ALIM's goal of educating Muslims around the world with the requisite knowledge to be confident, grounded in tradition, and empowered critical thinkers that engage modern society in a meaningful way. Help provide scholarships and empower Muslims in America, so we can continue to offer education to all students, despite their financial status. Donations are zakat-eligible & tax deductible. ALIM is a 501(c)(3) organization.